According to Giving USA 2019 ( , a Chicago based organization researches charitable giving, estimated that Americans gave $427.71 billion to charities.. No wonder our phone never cease ringing. From voice itches to robocalls asking for donations, it’s critical that we continue giving, but how do you know if these callers represent legitimate charities.

How It Works:
* Scammers use techniques similar to real charities to reach you, including robocalls.
* The name of the fake charity may closely resemble the name of a real charity.
* The fake charity might ask you to wire money or send cash — see this as a red flag.
What You Should Know:
* Real charities need your support, and they, as well as yourself, lose out when a scammer intervenes.
* Scammers will try to get you to commit before you have a chance to think through your decision to give or do any research.
Verify Before Giving
* Research charities before donating at You can also reach out to the Secretary of State ( or Arizona Attorney General ( to learn if the charity is registered.
* Consider making an annual plan of the charities you intend to support and explain to any organizations, not on your list that you have made your commitments for the year.